Work Opportunity Tax Credit

This federal tax credit is designed to incentivize employers to hire individuals who face barriers to employment. Qualifying individuals include some veterans, or simply those who have been unemployed for an extended period.

Work Opportunity Tax Credit

Qualifying individuals move from economic dependency to self-sufficiency and become contributing members of their communities. Participating employers lower their cost of doing business through reduced federal income tax liability.

Work Opportunity Tax Credit

How much and how often?

  • Tax credits range from a minimum of $1,500 to a maximum of $9,600 PER HIRE.
  • There is no limit to the number of WOTC qualifying individuals an employer can hire.

Did You Know?

  • WOTC tax credits certified for Oregon employers average over $95 million annually.
  • The Oregon WOTC is web-based and automated for quick turnaround.
  • We will meet you virtually or in person to answer any questions you may have.